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Mail Your Donation
Please mail your financial contributions to:
Anson County NAACP
Post Office Box 335
Wadesboro, NC 28170
Please note tax status of NAACP units:
- All NAACP units have been designated 501 (c) (4) organizations.
- Only the National Office is a 501 (c) (3) organization.
A 501 (c) (4) organization is a nonprofit corporation operated exclusively for the promotion of social justice. Exemption under this Section does not confer deductibility of contributions by donors to the corporation, but may enable the nonprofit corporation to avoid the restrictions of private foundation status, and the restrictions on lobbying and other political activity.
Contributions and gifts to the NAACP Unit are generally not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Organizations that contribute donations to Units to support fund raising events are able to deduct the total contribution as an ordinary business expense, which can be designated as advertising or promotional.